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HPE Slovakia

For the customer HPE we have implemented a services for the exchange of certificates used in travel documents. The solution includes creation of data structures, which are necessary for
successful validation by individual carriers and their subsequent distribution to digital travel documents.

Custormer: HPE Slovakia
Technologies: Java / SpringBoot / Docker / Lombok / FeignClient / MySQL / GIT / Maven / SoapUI / WebSocket / Karaf-Camel / JBoss


We cooperate with PosAm software company on several projects. We provided digitization of processes for working with documents in DMS and guaranteed integrity through electronic signatures. We also provide bidirectional integration between the customer’s product and SAP components.

Customer: PosAm, spol. s r.o.
Technologies: Java / Apache Camel / Apache CXF / Apache Karaf / OAuth / MySQL / Maven / GIT


The implementation covers the registration process of new customers for the Finnish bank Ferratum. The process engine Camunda steers the customer registration process and verifies data entered into the registration forms against the internal systems for recording existing customers. The process engine is used also for managing and handling the account.

Customer: FerratumBank
Technologies: Java / Spring / SpringBoot / Camunda / Apache Kafka / Docker / MapStruct / Lombok / FeignClient / JUnit / Mockito / WireMock / MySql / SchemaRegistry / Git / Maven

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